The UPS Service Guarantee has been reinstated for the following services only:

As the effects of the Coronavirus impact our infrastructure, we will continue to seek guidance from local, state, and national government entities to ensure that we fully align with their regulations. We are committed to continue operating globally except where constrained by government restrictions.
Prior to shipping, please check to see if the recipient’s location is open, since many some businesses’ hours may have changed either due to local restrictions or at the business’s discretion. We will make three routine delivery attempts* before returning a package to the sender. Please continue to visit this site for the most up-to-date information regarding the impact of Coronavirus on UPS services.
*Where three routine delivery attempts do not coincide with a recipient’s adjusted (e.g., shortened, or weekend-only) business hours, the package will be returned to sender.
For your convenience, The UPS Store® and UPS Access Point® locations all provide access to your vital deliveries. Where available, you can sign up for free UPS My Choice which enables you to provide more specific delivery instructions such as where to leave deliveries, or redirect deliveries to another location, and also provides you with the ability to receive delivery notifications.
Service guarantees are subject to change. For further details, see the UPS Tariff/Terms and Conditions.